
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Addison's Birth | My Story



  1. Such a great birth story! I'm 100% sure I had prodromal labor with Gavin. He was posterior. So glad she's finally here!

  2. Melissa, what a cool and touching story...thanks so much for sharing it...

  3. Great birth story Melissa. I never realized there was a name to go with the type of labor I had with all 4 of my kids! wow!

  4. Love it Sweetie! What a wonderful walk thru your last couple days of pregnancy and the birth process.

  5. Wow! Praise God for babies! I'm sorry the midwives didn't believe you! They didn't believe me either and I was further dilated. It she told me my water didn't break and I tried not to give her the, "are you an idiot" look in between contractions. Haha. But good GOD woman you did it again!! Congrats!

  6. Hey Mel, I don't. Know if u read ur comments bu t this Holly, ( ur cousin ) just wanna say CONGRATS!!!!!!!

  7. Thank you for sharing. A friend Julie scoggin pointed me to your blog. I am in the midst of day 5 o promordal labor and needed your story. I cried. It is good to know tht I am not a freak or broken.

    Thank you

  8. I'm so glad to be able to help! I teared up reading your comment, because it's so real still.

    You're not broken. Your body can be trusted and knows what it's doing AND... soon those contractions won't stop, and you'll have a baby in your arms.

    Hang in there, and I'd love to be updated once baby comes!
