
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fun in the Sun

Yesterday was the first glimpse of glorious summer in So. California. I pulled out the little pool and filled it up on our deck, and the kids had a blast! I had fun letting them splash past their "normal" splash zone rule implemented in the bathtub, and also playing with my new lens.

Right here, folks, is what we call merging. I used a smaller aperture to keep both subjects in focus, and it looks like Josh is pouring a bucket of water on his baby sister's head, while I giggle. IN fact, He's a good four feet in front of her. The camera is an amazing thing =).


  1. Its been so ridiculously hot here in Southern California lately! I can't believe it got to 90+ on Wednesday! I want to take Alyson in our pool but I don't have a bathing suit that fits my post partum baby body to get in with her. :(

    The Sweetest Life
